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Political Music (re: Sara's Post)


Just some more music with political undertones, be it direct or subtle 

1) R.E.M. (especially early R.E.M., as in "Life's Rich Pageant" a must!!) 
Yes, back when Michael Stipe had hair.  Lots of it.  Songs like Fall on Me 
still send shivers down my spine.  Still to this day, my most favoritist 
band. Ever.  Or try "Document" released in 1987 or "Green" from 1988.  Both 
excellent albums as well, chock full of politics.  McCarthyism. (Exhuming 
McCarthy) The Vietnam War. (Orange Crush)  The list goes on and on and on.
2) The Police (and Sting) Think "Dream of the Blue Turtles"- a song from the 
cold war "Russians".  Or "Nothing like the Sun" with the Gueca Solo (They 
dance alone) about the Pinochet regime in Chile, where men went mysteriously 
3)  The Clash.  Nuff said.
4)   Billy Bragg.  Socialism at it's best.

Well, there's my 2 cents worth.  Enjoy record shopping!  Oops, did I say 
record shopping?  I feel so.....old.  :(    But I do miss vinyl.  There was 
just something about pulling a record from it's sleeve.  The feel.  Dropping 
the needle down.  And oh so analog!!   

Milk and cookies,


...buy the sky and sell the sky
and tell the sky, and tell the sky
don't Fall on Me...

Well I would keep it above
but then there wouldn't be sky anymore
so if I send it to you, you've gotta promise
to keep it whole...Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe, 1986 R.E.M./Athens Ltd.
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