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"Blessed Be."/"Momma Sami"

In a message dated 9/25/2001 12:10:25 AM Eastern
Daylight Time, 
Ysobelle at aol_com writes:

> Maybe it's just me, but I happen to think that
unless the Creator 
>  Him/Herself comes down to earth and sticks a
billboard up yer butt, 
>  one here knows "the Truth" down to the last detail.

*giggle*  Well said!  I wholeheartedly agree

I (Rhonda) also agree!

Also:   <A 
HREF="mailto:magdalenemoon at yahoo_com">magdalenemoon at yahoo_com</A>


>>Talking about "God" is like walking on
>>eggshells with some of them, which is why I try to
>>wait upon the Holy Spirit's direction in sharing Him
>>with them...your "rebuttal" confused the message I
>>trying to send.

I'm sincerely curious (but I'm probably going to word
this badly): this 
sounds to me like you only want them to see one point
of view: Yours.  

~*No...I just want for them to see the Love of Christ
in me. I have some friends mixed up in some Evil shit
and they're truly blinded by it. They've asked for my
help but I'm opposed to the "Bible thumping/shoving it
down their throat" method. I like what St Francis of
said,"Be a witness at all times...and, if you HAVE to,
use words."

would imply that you're "right" and a part-owner of
the "Truth." 

~*I'm not sure if a person can be 100% right...I
certainally know that I'm not. I do believe to be,
however, part owner of the "Truth"...I think everybody
might get a little piece of the "Truth" so that we
have to be United to see the "Whole Truth"...atleast
until we get Home. Who really knows?!

they're incapable of making up their own minds about
what they think is 

*~Hey, I ABSOLUTELY believe in "Free-will"! I don't
think that God is looking for "brainwashed"
"believers"...I mean, are they Truly "BELIEVERS" if
they've not made that choice of their own Free will?

 Smacks a bit of saying "Here, put on these these
blinders, and only 
look in 
this direction, and everything will look so much

~*You must understand...you're talking to a woman
who's survived the suicide of a manic-depressive
husband after seven years of marriage, an attempted
"copy-cat suicide" by her daughter who deeply missed
her father, the death of eleven friends in four years,
and a woman who has kept an open mind towards
"organized religion" in spite of not believing in the
"Institutionalized church".I'm NOT a "blinders" pusher
and it's been a very long time since things have
looked "so much nicer". Being a Christian, to me, does
not mean that things are guarenteed to look "nicer".
I've found that often times things can be much uglier
with the "veil lifted"...Being a Christian is not
easy...it's often times "lonely but not alone".

Secondly, and again, I'm sincere here, even if it
comes out as 
that's not how it's intended:  Why are you expecting
God to tell You 
when to 
talk to them, or even to speak through you at all?

*~Because that's why I'm here. Not to share MY
but His Love. Besides, when I try to "share" without
The Spirit's prompting I screw it all up!That's why
I'm trying to learn to be patient and wait upon God's
leading...I want to Give this gift of Love...not
"conquer the heathens".

 Why not ask God 
(pray, if 
you want to define it that way) to talk to them
directly, so that their 
isn't dependant upon your (human/falliable) view of

~*I do ask God to speak to them. I'm not interested in
"Saving" anyone, that's not my job. I gave my life to
be a catalyst for Him/Her. How can Faith be dependant
upon me, in any way? That's not what Faith is. Are you
saying that to "share one's Faith" is to cause
co-dependance? Last time I read the Gospel I was
supposed to be laying down my life for Christ...and
sharing it!

be more convincing all around?  

*~That's between each individual and God.

I've usually gone the route of active, intellectual
discussion as a 
means of 
discernment, in spiritual matters as in other things;
research and 
debate-debate-debate and then wait for the 'answers'
to settle 
themselves in 
each heart and mind.  I believe God insures that those
who are truly 
will find The Truth for themselves, in one form or

~*I couldn't have put it better, myself!

But then, that's just my own personal view, and I've
yet to find anyone 
for whom what I believe rings as true as it does for

*~I think that that's really special...it's a Personal
Relationship. Consider yourself Blessed to not be
stuck in some religious box! I think that God just
gets tickled when we question and explore...and don't
take things at "face value"!We are, after all, made in
His/Her image.


Again... to each his own...  :)

~* Thanks for sharing your point of view...I actually
think we're on the same page...sorry I came across so
militant and poopy! That's usually not "my style".

Blessed Be, Sweet One.

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