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"My Momma Sami..."

> > > Whatever. First of all, this was sent to me by
someone who did 
> > > believe in God before 9/11 and has since sought
Him out due to 
> > > tragedy and the need for comfort. I was
attempting to send it to 
> > > those who I thought would find comfort in it . .
> >
> > I can appreciate that.  But if I'm going to be
comforted, I would
> > prefer to be comforted by the truth.  (And as
disturbing as the 

R : I was not trying to comfort YOU.

> > can be sometimes, I'd like to think it is *also*
comforting at 
> Apparently you feel as though you have dibs on what
"Truth" is . . .

Then it appears wrong to you. 

R : My appologies.

 One thing I *do* know is that a 
cannot be the truth. 

R : How can you say for sure that this is "falsehood"?

Do you know the Mind of God? Do you KNOW that He's NOT
supportive of America, despite our sin? My God is The
God of Compassion. No, I don't buy into "America is
right and 'they' are not". Nor do I buy into our
having "dibs" on God, as Americans. Personally, I
think that America is a "christian country" with a
"lower case c" but that DOES NOT mean that we can't
change, so quit being such a "damper"!

So even if none of us knows what the truth *is*, 
can at least get a handle on some things that the
truth is *not*.

R : I absolutely agree!

And, obviously, I don't have dibs on this stuff --
that is why I post
links to my sources.  If you haven't done the research
yourself, then 
least I can do is try to point out where you can start
doing so.

That's rather presumptuous of you! How do you know
what I have and/or have not researched? Just because
YOU don't believe the forward doesn't mean that I
don't have the right to. Why should I even trust where
you're pointing to...I need to be focussed on where
GOD is pointing me to.

> I may not have written the forward the way it was
written, had I the
> opportunity, but I believe that the message was

Fair enough.

> Is that not Truth?

Well, it's an exhortation, at any rate.

R : whatever.

> The forward was not perfect, nor am I. The most
important thing, I
> believe, is that my motives were right and they were
backed with 

Sorry, but you know what the road to hell is paved
with, yes?

R : Certainally not Prayer.


> I would appreciate it if you addressed my forward
here, on the list, 
> send your disection of my attempt to comfort to
EVERY person I 
> to comfort.

Well, when an error needs correcting, I tend to send
the correction to
everyone who got the error.  Lies can get halfway
'round the world 
the truth is still putting its boots on, and all that.

R : My friends are none of your buisness, nor is the
way in which God leads me! You're quite arrogant, you

> You have no idea what kind of disheartening you may
have caused. 
> are people who need to know that God is with us
whether you think the
> forward was "truth", or not.

Then tell them that, and be careful not to say
anything that might 
more harm down the road.  Yes, believe it or not,
telling Americans 
their way is God's way, no matter what they do, *can*
cause harm.

My intetion was NEVER to tell Americans that "no
matter what they do" they're doing things "God's way"
merely because they're Americans! That's not what the
forward said to me and, even if it was, LEAVE MY
FRIENDS ALONE! I am responsible for following the Holy
Spirit's guide...not pleasing you. I witness to my
friends upon The Spirit's leading...not yours.

Blessings..."all I'm trying to do is tell the Truth...
I don't know who else to be
more and more I'm secretly just me

np "Goodbye"

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