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Re: Lurking Long Enough...

In a message dated 9/20/01 10:30:45 AM Central Daylight Time, biglight at pacbell_net writes:

While I understand that it is somewhat frustrating to receive a lot of
non-OTR content from time to time b/c of being subscribed to this list,
I think that in this case you are way out of line for your request, and
your characterization of our discussions

non-OTR content is not what bothers me.  i just don't think this is the time to be throwing around views and such that may be quite offensive to others.  i was merely agreeing with an earlier post.  sorry if i came across as being so cranky, but i am a friggin' postal worker :).

True, this list is for discussing OTR. But, as you may or may not know,
this list has existed for years, and many of the people who post, have
been writing to each other, and reading each other for years now.

i might know.  that may be because i've been lurking (for the most part) here for about 3 years.

What do you expect will happen when something as important and sad as last
week's attacks occurs? We wopuld be something less than human if we did
not air our opinions and ideas to those whose thoughts we respect and
whose opinions we value. Everyone has been spouting their opinions about
this, from Dan Rather to George Bush.

exactly the point.  i've been hearing about this on tv, radio, email and now this discussion list.  while i realize that it does need to be discussed (obviously), i just don't think here is the place to do it.  then again, it looks like there are only 2 of us that feel that way.  

This list is not singulalry guilty of that. The whole nation is facing a terrible unknown both in
the face of Stateside terrorism and in Bush's "new war" that he is
plunging us into. Discussion, dissent and the marketplace of ideas are
more American than most anything else. Shame on you for trying to stilfe
necessary and to many, important conversations.

shame on me.  where the HELL is my spanking?  now i feel like my 6-year-old Starlapoo.  I'VE BEEN OFFICIALLY SCOLDED.  

The jokes about WWJD have nothing to do with Jesus, and everything to do
with those of who take his name in vain and blashpheme by  selling thier
narrow veiwpoints as a replacement for his teachings and life. The more
we make fun of the commodification of Christinaity, the better.

the wwjd thing does not bother me.  you're referring to whomever started this thread in the first place.  WE DO (in fact) WANT JACK DANIELS.  (at least i do)

I too, have noticed no flaming. People have gotten a bit uptight here
and there, but come on, the issue being discussed is dire, emotional,
important. I rather think that, given the content of the discussion,
it's gone fairly well.

i also did not say anything about flaming.

Deleting isn't hard. It doens't require that much effort, and you're
provided with a nice subject header so that you don't even need to open
the email. I myself delete plenty of threads that don't interest me. I
highly reccommend it over your less gracious approach.

i have been making great use of my delete button.  IT'S SORE, i think it needs a doctor.  i *can* in fact continue, but the subject header can at times be misleading, so i always open every one just in case somebody says something i find interesting that has nothing to do with the thread.  as you may or may not have noticed that does happen from time to time.  sorry about my less gracious approach but i'm not the most gracious gal around.  i'm a cranky-21-year-old-postal-mother-of-a-6-year-old, so most of my day consists of MAIL and "mom can i watch THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE again??" (for the five hundreth time).  at least i love the source of the latter.  once again i'm sorry, i did not mean to refer to your views personally as bulshit.  i think i'm going to keep my damn mouth shut for a good while once again.

