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Re: Read on...there's common ground at the bottom

Kelvin Bailey wrote:
> You guys are making it SO hard to stay out of this!
> Our way of life involves inalienable rights
> > guaranteed to all men by
> > the Constitution. Among these rights is the
> > guarantee of a trial by jury if
> > indicted for crimes, and the supposition of
> > innocence until proven guilty
> > within our legal system.
> I've seen this, what I believe to be a mistake, made
> many times now.  What you're saying here applies
> basically to civil justice.  What we are talking about
> is war.  Big difference.  Capture Bin Ladan and
> Hussein, bring them to trial, execute justice...That
> won't stop the terrorism.

But killing them will?

> What about the rights of innocent citizens of all
> countries to live in peace and not fear being murdered
> on a daily basis.  Maybe what you see as denying the
> rights of a few murderers (and why would we even act
> as if we're not sure what they are) would be the best
> way of protecting the rights of the masses.

That actually seems like more of an athiestic (actually, I'm sure Peter or
someone else can come up with a word to better describe it) in the sense
that you're sacrificing a moral for "the good of society."  I haven't
really thought about this in-depth, but on the face of it it doesn't seem
to jive with Christian teaching.

In other words, in order to live free, you may have to leave yourself open
to attack.  Like free speech - in order to be able to freely express your
beliefs, you have to let others freely express theirs.  That may lead to
things you don't like happening, or even things that aren't collectively
good for the common people - but that's a risk inherent in the freedom.

I'm sure this can be done more eloquently, and I'm not saying that we
shouldn't seek justice for things, but I do think that being truly free
carries with it the risk of being violated.  

> about what they do.  The point is to protect ourselves
> from massive acts of terrorism.  It will happen again.

I don't know that we can really do that and still be free.

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