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Re: Turning cheeks (was Miami Herald)

Ok guys, I'm just sticking my 2 cents (ok, maybe 4 or 8 cents) in, rather 
than donating ALL of my pocket change to the list, this time.  ;)

>>I don't hear much along the lines of "love those who hate you" and
>>"turn the other cheek" coming from my national leaders right now.

Ahem.  And isn't that a good thing!  I, for one, hope our gov't rigorously 
defends that which has been threatened; namely our freedom and our
security.  In case it hadn't occured to you, this is FAR from over; those 
are not the last terrorist attacks we will see, regardless of new security
measures... this is not a two-round war; this is not something 
that they'll get bored with if we don't retaliate.

I understand the principle of not being quick to anger, but I
don't recall anyone, biblical or otherwise, ever going so far 
however, as to say "Be a doormat. Let people walk all over you."  

The "turn the other cheek" principle doesn't apply to battered countries 
any more than it does to battered women.  As I understand it, it is meant 
for small and mostly inconsequential offenses, linked with the patient 
understanding that "we all make mistakes now and again".. it is NOT 
appropriate governmental policy on terrorism any more than it is a
correct approach to handling an abusive relationship.

The only proper way to deal with harmful, abusive people is to 
a) end/avoid/alter the situation that makes the abuse possible ASAP, and 
b) take sane, rational steps to acquire justice, if not on principle, simply 
to retain one's own very-important sense of security. 

I only have second-hand knowledge of this, thank goodness, but from 
what I've seen, battered women will tell you that working within the 
law as it stands is not always the most effective means to those ends.   

As for Falwell/Robertson, they seem to have forgotten that one of 
Jesus' best friends was a former prostitute.  *sigh*  I don't recall
Him standing back looking at those in pain and despair and pointing
out that they brought it on themselves.  I'm disappointed that 
F-and-R did not take the opportunity to heal and mend and foster peace 
as the representatives of Christ that they hold themselves out to be.

Btw, I loved the WWJJD "What Would Joan Jett Do?" bit... how funny!

'...only lint and small change...'

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