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Re: Falwell and Robertson are a bunch of fucking idiots

Re: Falwell and Robertson blame gays and
liberals for WTC Attack

Falwell and Robertson are a bunch of fucking
lunatic fundamental Christian jackasses. 
Plain and simple.

I don't mean to offend any fundamental
Christians- many are not as pigheaded and
idiotic as Falwell and Robertson... but this
is utter bullshit.  How unloving can someone
be?  What did Christ teach?  I don't see
what Christ teaches in this hate that comes
from Falwell and Robertson.

Especially at a time like this... why would
they choose to tear the country apart, rather
than try to pull together?

Falwell & Robertson are giving Christianity
a bad name, constantly.  First the Telle-
tubbies are gay per Falwell... it could
laughingly blow that off.  But why does he
need to try to point the finger about some-
thing so horrible to people that did not
cause it?

What an idiot!

that's all i'm saying... now i'm gonna go
drink some juice and forget it...


np: michael kelsey - falling into place

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