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war sux

--- rhys daily <shadow at teuton_org> wrote:
> i think it's wrong to cheer when people die, but i
> can't help seeing the
> other side of the matter.

I do understand what you are saying.  I grew up
probably a good 10 years before most folks on this
list and remember the cold war well.  I remember being
filled with terror, afraid they would attack my little
town and make us all walk across a cross or deny Jesus
or we would be shot.  (Come to think of it, I think
most of the terror was perpetuated by Sunday School
teachers instead of the communists themselves.)  But
the image that I learned to fear and hate was the old
men in uniforms, tanks and grenades, not innocent
I certainly wouldn't hold cute little Palestinian kids
accountable for this, but where are they getting it? 
Arafat wanted us to believe that all the cheering and
dancing was just kids and a few college students.  The
pictures told a different story.
I understand years of indoctrination and
misinformation.  But cheering when innocent people are
slaughtered is never right, under any belief system.

I think I've talked too much about this.
You make good points.

> used to be when america would 'punitively attack'
> another country, it was
> papered first for a day or two with warnings.

From what I've been hearing, they will probably not
only get warnings, but they will get a way out.  You
give up Bin Laden and his guys and we won't touch you.

Man, I still find it hard to believe we're having a
discussion about these terrible things.
God bless us all!


Willy Wonka: "You know what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?"
Charly: "No. What?"
Willy Wonka: "He lived happily ever after."

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