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Arizona viewing

Well, I may not be a vocal person here, though I am an
avid viewer.

Just a note to mention, it's weird that when there
seemed to be a drought of common debate only a month
ago, suddenly a deluge of interesting points of view
bloom in rampant fever.

As an observer, I can say that you all can surely
recognize a fire, but everyone seemed fight it by
pouring gasoline on it!

If there was only a way this place could collect on
every-one's two-cents . . . 

Though I do digress - 'Cause a change in topic is what
we need!  No more personal experiences that can only
be experienced by one person - let's talk about what
we can share together.

And with that, since everybody on the East Coast is so
happy about the new OtR tour list, tell me this - When
can we see them here again!  It has been since April
and I am not a rich man!  I can not, on a whim, travel
to some East Coast destination, 'cause that's just way
out of my budget!  Is there any talk about a possible
West coast tour?, 'cause if so, I may just drop
everything and travel with them for a couple of days!

Hey!  I got the vacation time at work to do it, so why
not?  So long as it's within a 500 mile radius!

Now that's within my budget!

P.S.  Since I do love the current summer movie
critic's entry (especially on A.I. *dang you all are
so insightful* - please tell me, everyone, what you
thought of Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes".  I am
going to see it today - just to see what kind of take
Mr. Burton is going to make on what is truly a science
fiction classic (at least the first two movies, the
original and the sequel - I kinda reject the third and
fourth "sequels" - the ones without the current NRA
President, Mr. Heston.  It's not that I like the
actor, it's just that the main point of the whole
story line were clearly depicted in those two movies.
     That we, as a human race, failed; and mother
nature thus gave our genetic half-brother the chance
of being on top of the "food/power" chain.  It does
raise incredible thoughts of what we, as a whole,
could end up being if we are not careful - that we
could easily be replaced as the top dog on this planet
called Earth.

Can't wait to hear your voices on "Apes".

Chris Cataldo
The Prince Cybil of Thinking

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