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Re: How about a change in topic?

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 FABoyer at aol_com wrote:

> It seems to me as though the homophobia thread has run its course.
> This is not to say that the topic itself is unimportant.  I have
> actually found some of the responses to be quite insightful and
> enlightening.

yea, think we've all decided that (:

> That said, what have people been reading? (Trying to do my part to
> change the topic)  I just started The Hobbit.  I am not a big fantasy
> fan, but a piece on the Mars Hill Audio Journal about the Hobbit and
> the Lord of the Rings provoked me to read it.  We actually had a copy
> in the house that my 17 year old son had to read for school a few
> years back, so it didn't even take a trip to the library to get it.

i like the hobbit. i like the barefeet aspect of it a lot (: and i really
enjoy the epicness of it (i'm not sure that s a word). but i like LOTR
much *much* more - it has more grace, redemption, fall and humanity
wrapped up in it.

pretending to be a firefly,


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