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How about a change in topic?

It seems to me as though the homophobia thread has run its course.  This is 
not to say that the topic itself is unimportant.  I have actually found some 
of the responses to be quite insightful and enlightening.  

It is just that this is the OTR list.  I am not saying that there should be 
no off topic posting.  I just get the sense that the point has now been 
reached where the same basic ground is covered over and over again.

As has been said already, "We've been down this road before".  It is rarely 
productive when it reaches this point.

By they way, I am a pastor in an evangelical church and probably as 
conservative in my understanding of theology as anyone on this list.  At the 
same time I live in an urban-formerly somewhat bohemian-now more 
upscale-neighborhood with all the diversity one would expect in such a place. 

For me the discussion hits home.  But that is not why I read this list.  I 
can walk around the corner to any coffee house and instigate a lively face to 
face discussion about God and sex if that is what I want.  

To the Christians on the list I would ask you to consider (note the word 
consider here... I am not playing God... just seeing if I can plant a seed) 
the possibility that this may not be the place for the extended type of 
interchange that has recently been engaged in here.  This topic in particular 
rests on presuppositions regarding questions about the nature of God, 
creation, the scriptures, sin, redemption, eternity and so forth... things 
related to one's worldview.  

That is why such discussions usually end up in a cul-de-sac, even in face to 
face settings rooted in some sort of relationship.  If we can't agree on our 
understanding of how the world works that may be were the discussion needs to 
be and that is probably much bigger than the scope of this list.

That said, what have people been reading? (Trying to do my part to change the 
topic)  I just started The Hobbit.  I am not a big fantasy fan, but a piece 
on the Mars Hill Audio Journal about the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings 
provoked me to read it.  We actually had a copy in the house that my 17 year 
old son had to read for school a few years back, so it didn't even take a 
trip to the library to get it.  

Watching Eternity,
Andy B.   

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