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homophobia (not really limited to that)

Skip this if you don't want to hear my Christian beliefs on Non-OTR subjects.
Just delete it if you don't have time or an open mind. It's fine with me.

I agree with almost everything Paul said. And if I don't agree then I don't have
an opinion there or else I would have just said it differently. Nonetheless...

I do not personally know anyone who is a homosexual (or am not aware of it,) but
I DO know a whole bunch of sinners, myself the biggest one by that I know (I
think I know more mistakes, mess-ups, and sins about myself than everyone else
put together. But I repent from those sins (sometimes often) or at least
struggle to turn away, and I rely on Jesus' blood to cleanse me and make me
Holy. These 2 things make me "set apart" and if not better than this world, at
least better off than this world. Please don't take this remark as me putting
myself above ANYONE. That is not my attitude.)

I do know someone who struggled with guilt from a few homosexual experiences and
other sin experiences as well. It's funny, but the more I know about a person's
life, (especially there hang-ups,) the more I love them and have compassion for
them. I am a Christian. I follow Jesus Christ and his ways. I usually end up
being friends with the friendless or with the broken and hurting. They don't
stay that way though which develops into a true friendship based not only on fun
but hard times too. Isn't this what Jesus did? remember his disciples... even
Judas who betrayed him.

I know that there is nothing that I do that makes me worthy of going to heaven.
But I rely on him who provides a way. The ONLY way. That is my faith. Since God
gives us free will, I will not take it away, yet I will proclaim the truth
wherever I go, that is God's plan for me. What I say most of the times the truth
(I make errors too.) Now the basic beliefs that I believe ARE TRUE, regardless
of whether me or anyone else believes it. No it doesn't matter if you believe
differently, that still does not make the truth different. If you wanted to
believe that a red apple is blue then you can believe it, but that doesn't
change the truth. What I am talking about is not only my beliefs, but everything
the Bible says. I KNOW that it is true, and don't ask me because I can't prove
the future to ya. It will unfold itself and reveal itself. As for me I 'choose'
to have faith now and believe. And I speak the truth (with love, or try to at
least) so that when you do see and believe it is not too late. Not everyone will
make the cutoff point. Not many will percentage wise (it seems anyways.)

I agree that the choice to act out on your homosexuality is sin and this
lifestyle is clearly wrong. Not only does the Bible say it but nature says it
too (at least to me) but you have God's free will to believe otherwise. There
are different outcomes to eternity though based on what you choose to believe.
Now I am not a homophobe nor do I hate homosexuals, though sadly I know
Christians who say bad jokes. (I used to also, before I was mature, yesterday I
caught myself making a bad joke about someone being a Pollock which I haven't
done in years and had to repent for it because I wasn't just jokingly putting
him down, but my tone was insulting a whole nation of people, which God made.) 

I am not disgusted with homosexuals or there sin any more than I am disgusted
with my own sin. But I do hate their sin, because I hate mine, and so does God.
But despite all my sin, God loves me. He loves me so much that while I was still
caught in my filthy sin, pride, selfishness (mostly this,) and just
stubbornness, he died for me. He sacrificed himself for a wretch like me. This
is the kind of love that I want to show people (though I fail when I am selfish,
which I struggle with.) I would not love a person any less if they were a
homosexual than I would my Dad (who was a womanizer who doesn't care about
anyone but his "love" at times. This is selfish love.) See I Corinthians 13 for
true love. I am sure you will agree with this chapter even if you aren't a
Christian. I wouldn't love a homosexual any less than I would my sister (one of
whom is an alcoholic and won't acknowledge it, and another who is a compulsive
liar who has lied to herself about how she is.) But these family members can be
set free from there "genetic" alcoholism etc etc. If your willing, God doesn't
ask us to be free from something that we can't be free from. He even provides
the overcoming power if we ask him. As a matter of fact, all sin is really
genetic, passed on from generation to generation. Isn't it funny that my Dad was
a womanizer and though I am not, I still have his roots when I struggle with
lust ALL THE TIME. What a bad society to live in if I'm going to struggle with
that. This society has thrown off all restraints, which affects what most people
believe as the truth, but I won't be fooled, I am going to hold onto God's
unchanging love, justice, and truth. His commands too, which he has given to us
to help protect us from harm, out of his love. Only a parent who doesn't love
their child will not discipline them for doing wrong. It shows he cares. He
disciplines even me, a Christian for 14 years, over half my life. If he didn't
love me he wouldn't care what I did and would have no rules at all. His rules
are summed up in this. Love God with all your heart, love your neighbor as
yourself. His love transcends his rules but does not contradict them. The reason
people will go to hell is if they refuse to love him back, which is there own
free choice. 

Anyways, I do not hate anyone, but if anyone is caught in (not willing to turn
away) from certain sins AND AND AND claims to be a brother in Jesus Christ, then
I will have nothing to do with them. I believe sexual immorality as well as
greed, slander, and stealing are among these. I will do this BECAUSE I love them
too. By saying they are a Christian and intentionally continuing to do these
things and not let God change there ways, they lead others into the same sins
that God hates. (Notice... sin God hates) Because of this the wrath of God, the
destruction of the world and everything in it in due time, will be upon those
who hate God (Jesus too) and continue in there rebellion. Also the ETERNAL (that
is forever) punishment for those who don't turn to him for help to overcome
there own nature...  in everything, no,
 not just homosexuality.

Thought everyone in the group would need a strong dose of TRUTH. If you read it
is your own fault if you are angry now. If you didn't want to read this or
believe it then you should have taken the warning in the beginning of this to
heart. Oh yeah, I expect to get persecuted for this one. Jesus would too and I
would gladly participate in his sufferings in such an easy way as getting hate
mail. Here, mail hate mail to my house... 

Attn: the least of God's servants
1000 Golden Road,
CityOfMansions, Heaven

Just kidding on the address... but not for long...

God bless,
Joe <><
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