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homophobia (little otr)

first off, regarding "june", i don't see any sort of lesbian imagery, not 
even subtle...but that's just me. i never seem to read sexual imagery or 
metaphor into songs, it's not the way i think. (now, dealing with modern r&b 
is different...it doesn't get much more blunt than *that*)

anyway, back to the issue that i thought i would keep my mouth shut over. i 
think the hyperbolic nature of some christians really needs to be taken 
stock of here...do any of you realize how much things get over-dramatized in 
some modern christian groups? so we all make mistakes, so we all naturally 
drive on the selfish side of the road. so what??? if it's something we feel 
*truly* bad about, we fix it. we atone in whatever way we see as atonement. 
no matter what we believe, what religion/denomination/social class we are. 
right? i know that in my case, that's what i do. if i've done something that 
i know is wrong, and i feel bad about it, or if i feel bad about how it has 
affected someone i care about or respect, i seek forgiveness and i 
(hopefully) don't do it again. sounds reasonable, n'est pas?

i don't think "sin" is a disease. i don't. and i didn't when i was a 
card-carrying christian, either. it's like saying humanity is a disease. to 
speak in further christianese, to sin is just a part of being human, and no 
one can deny that. and i think it's just as much of a wrongdoing when you 
ask forgiveness for something you don't feel is wrong and isn't hurting 

and i don't think homosexuality is a sin. i don't care what you say, nothing 
will change my mind. not even your biblical quotes and arguments, some of 
which are often misinterpreted anyway. i believe there is a reason for 
everything...and someone's sexual orientation is given to them the same way 
i was given hazel eyes and black hair. end of my story. i have too much 
personal evidence to be swayed from that.

now i do know that there are people who get confused and think they are gay 
when they aren't. whatever, it's their deal. i know there are people who 
give in to peer pressure around them and try to be gay, when they're not. (i 
can explain that one.)

but that is not what i mean.

i mean parading around, championing against gays, and not just disapproving 
or disagreeing, but actively SHOWING THAT YOU ARE DISGUSTED. i'm sure you 
don't like it when someone walks around saying "christians suck! god is 

i was watching "if these walls could talk 2" on HBO last night, and the 
first vignette absolutely killed me. it was set in 1961, and the premise was 
that this older woman's partner had a stroke and died. they had been 
together for years and years, but because of the intolerance back then, the 
poor woman couldn't see her partner in the hospital, couldn't make funeral 
arrangements on her own, and couldn't even keep the house they shared.

do we really want to keep treating people that way? think about it. and 
don't throw any of that "love the sinner, hate the sin" bollocks at me. it's 
the biggest cop-out i've ever heard...unless you are someone who *really* 
puts that belief into action.


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