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Re: Cornerstone dismay

On 7/18/01 5:46 PM, quoth BlueFlame1971 at aol_com:

> change. This is the exact reason I turn 
>away from mainstream christianity. How the hell am I supposed to reconcile 
>lesbianism with an overall attitude of some (seems like most) christians 
>my homosexuality is dysfunctional and not compatible with christianity? Fuck 
>that! Sorry but this really gets me down.

Hey, Holly?

Some of us don't think there's a damn thing wrong with you, or that 
you're scum, or that your sexual preference is akin to pedophilia, or 
that you're going to, somehow, "infect" the rest of us. Then again, I'm 
not Christian.

I think that was getting lost in the shuffle, and I felt it needed to be 
Now. As several people have said, YET ANOTHER CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY DEBATE 
is fairly pointless at this stage. We are getting like those ladies in 
the desert, endlessly discussion the same things. May I request that 
perhaps it be taken offlist for those who wish to continue it?

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