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Re: Cornerstone dismay

In a message dated 7/18/01 6:18:32 PM Central Daylight Time, 
petert at interchange_ubc.ca writes:

<< Um, I thought the point was to find one's *true* identity in Christ, not
 to merely give up one's identity, as though one would go without one.
Good point. Buechner once used a fable from hinduism about a tiger cub raised 
goats to illustrate. The tiger cub didn't know its true identity because it 
never saw one of it's own kind. It could only emulate those who raised him. 
It wasn't until he met up with a real tiger that he recognized what he truly 
was. Christ is our tiger.  The closer we get to finding our identity in him 
the closer we get to being who we really were meant to be all along.

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