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Re: Carman

In a message dated 7/18/01 9:47:19 AM Central Daylight Time, 
jeni_lyn at yahoo_com writes:

<< Promoting gun (or any kind
 of)violence in any way (especially a family store!!)
 is repulsive.  I really don't care that it was
 supposed to be analagous. For some reason, it bothered
 me even more because this was a Christian video, shown
 at a Christian store without regard to the kids there. >>

That's somewhat the feel of what I meant.  I really wasn't disgusted that it 
was bad art, which it was (1), everyone's entitled to subjectively like crap 
if they want without having to explain themselves, (I love cheezy horror and 
sci-fi flics -- some bad enough to make it to MST-3K even.  It's one way I 
keep my sense of wonder up) it was that it was completely antithetical to the 
message of peace, even in the face of hardship, that Jesus presented. The 
message of the vid perhaps was supposed to be just not to take any guff from 
demons - theologically suspect - but the presentation that came across; 
gunning down those demons of tobacco, alcohol, (like there really are!) and 
whatever else he massacred was not the gospel of grace, forgiveness, and love 
towards others I think Jesus taught, but a hard ass -- kill anything that 
stands in your way sorta attitude that, at best, just promotes some pretty 
crappy theology and at worst, if taken seriously, can foster the kind of 
intolerant attitude that caused things like witch hunts, inquisitions, etc.  
Kill anything that stands in your way to victory! Yea buddy! Not that I think 
he meant that in any way or that anyone would go out and do something violent 
as a result but the whole vibe sure don't have anything to do with the gospel 
as I understand it.

 Francis Schaeffer has a good set of standards for judging art:

1) technical excellence 
2) validity (whether it is honest to the artist and his/her worldview)
3) intellectual content 
4) integration of content and vehicle (is the vehicle suited to the content)

The video in question, I think, would miserably fail #3 and #4 and #1 is 
pretty darn questionable.
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