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Re: revisionism

>From: "Peter T. Chattaway" <petert at interchange_ubc.ca>
> > BTW, Creationism falls prey to the same thing.  This was my point- both
> > sides, creationists and humanists, are proponents of theory as fact.
>Why do you assume that creationists can't be humanists?  Please let's not
>confuse categories; humanism is a philosophy, not a branch of science.

Peter, why do you assume that I assume that?  Please give me some credit.  
The word "secular" was assumed in that sentence, okay?  Please try and 
refrain from sounding condescending.  As Jan said, we all know you are 
smart.  (I'm saying that out of love, for your own good.  You do it too 
often to realize how it makes you appear- it has become second nature for 
you.)  Of course humanism is not a branch of science.  Heck, I'm not even 
sure pschology qualifies as a legitimate science...hmmm.

If you are indeed a critic, I know that you have been trained to think 
critically.  That is a good thing; a dying art in our "dumbed down" society. 
  However, critical thinking should not be applied quite so liberally to 
people as it is to plays, poems, lit, theatre, philosphy, and music.  Why?  
Because these things have no feelings to hurt.  These things are put into 
the world partially to incite reactions.  People, on the other hand, are 
here to live and love, not to be constantly evaulated.  People are all 
flawed, and criticizing another for being less than perfect is tantamount to 
antagonizing.  I really don't want to beat this point silly, but think about 
it.  We are called to love each other, but excessive nitpicking goes beyond 
brotherly stewardship at a certain point.

Actually, a few others on the list need to ponder this as well.  You put it 
best when you said, "there is a difference between arguing and being 

We are on the same side here.  Creation science is bad science.  Some of it 
has scientific merit, but most of it does not.   Really, let's be friends!

your brother,

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