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Re: revisionism

--- Kendrickjd at aol_com wrote:
> I totally disagree, Kelvo.  You just take for
> granted that all the people 
> recording history (read "his" "story") were totally
> nonbiased.  I think 
> that's rarely possible.  How many times have you
> fought with someone because 
> you had different versions of what
> happened...different versions of whose 
> fault something was...or we look at a color, and I
> call it purple and you say 
> blue...or I think someone is beautiful and you don't
> find her attractive at 
> all...or I say we evolved and you say no, God did
> it.  Who's right?  HIStory 
> is all about perspective.  

Once again, you're speaking about perspective and
interpretion of a thing.  I can say 2+2=7 until I'm
blue in the face, but that won't make it so.  Even if
I'm colorblind, purple is what it is.  If evolution
were a fact, my not believing it wouldn't make it not
factual.  I'm just saying that, wether we can get to
it or not, there is a fact/truth underlying all these.
 ofen elusive, but still there

It's not called "her"
> story, now is it?

No.  We get HIStory and you ladies get HERricane. ;)


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