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Re: Muses

Fellow musers,

Ya know, I had Lewis on my list too.  I haven't seen "Shadowlands" yet 
because I'm leary of the thing.  Should I be?

As for Homer Simpson, I hear the Oxford Dictionary just added "D'oh" to it's 
online and forthcoming print edition.
I'd considered Roberto Clemente (I'm from Pittsburgh) and Jessie Owens, just 
to add an athlete or two to my list, but went with Rosa Parks and Dr. King 
instead.  I think this is because I tend to regard athletes as over-valued, 
marginally false idols.  Just my own prejudices, I guess.
BTW, I never meant to catalyse the debate of last night by mentoning in jest 
that I wish "I could justify adding J. Love Hewitt."  Please give me so 
credit, dear Jane.  I truth, I've never seen ANYTHING that Ms. Hewitt has 
appeard in.  My only exposure to her has been via guest spots on a few late 
night talk shows, during which she always seems warm and geniune and REAL, 
as if remaining inviolate in the midst of narcissistic Hollywood and it's 
corrupting influence.  I recall her mentioning that she doesn't drink, for 
instance.  (Inviolatibilty is my biggest "turn-on", if that makes any sort 
of backwards sense, or is even a word.)  Finally, her breasts are indeed 
lovely, but her top physical feature has to be her smile- that's what I 
found most attractive about her.  I've no doubt my impression of her would 
be tarnished by taking in some of her films, but then again, a playing a 
role is more an artistic expression than a manifestation of an actor's soul.

Cherri Oteri of ex-SNL fame- anyone think these two could be related in some 

Again, I reiterate, the whole thing was a joke.  Of course, a nice smile is 
inspiring. ;-)

smilin' on the inside,


>From: "Barry S. Lawlor" <blawlor at cox_rr.com>
>Being a huge baseball fan I would have to put Joe DiMaggio in uniform (with
>Marilyn next to him), Lou Gehrig, Ernie Banks, Jackie Robinson....those are
>just a few for starters. Jesse Owens, Babe Didrickson Zaharias.  From the
>non-sports related field  Jim Elliot (would anyone know who he is?); I 
>with C.S. Lewis, and I would add my hero and the person who I base my life
>on Homer Simpson.    Very true, I wear a W.W.H.D?  bracelet.  D'OH!

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