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RE: Re: Re: Luxury (no OtR)

Snarf! No, that wasn't the minority to which I was referring. But being a 
minority-- black, gay, deaf, Jewish, disabled, whatever (and no, I'm not 
all of the above!)-- isn't always a wonderful or romantic thing. There 
are a lot of problems associated with it, here especially. Try being 
black in the South, still. Or gay, for that matter. Or deaf almost 

In a lot of ways, being a minority means you're marginalised, prejudged, 
and treated as an anomaly. It can be a struggle, and a bitter one. And it 
rubs me the wrong way for someone who's in the majority to say how 
difficult life is because he or she is in a minority. Ask Martin Luther 
King if he thinks your life is a struggle. Go to England and ask the next 
Pakistani you see. 

Yeah. I think I may have overreacted, too. 


then - dear ysobelle - in "some" fashion,
every bloody person, is a minority.
are you left handed? you're a minority!
do you work night shift? you're a minority!
are you a vegetarian/vegan/etc.? you're a minority!
the "minority" possibilities are endless.

peace & veggies,

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