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Re: Tempest in a Teapot

> And here I was just thinking recently how nice it was that the OtR list had
> somehow managed to get to the point where people could talk about religion
> without getting into the ugly brawls we used to get into.  Me, I don't want
> less Jesus, I want more pagans!  More Muslims!  More Hindus!  I would much,

> that I've stretched that metaphor way, way past the breaking point, I
> have to say that even with this weekend's flare-up, I don't think the
> list is anywhere *close* to as bad as it was in 1996; those religious
> arguments *still* make me shudder.  That's why Shelly put those
> clauses in the subscription notice in the first place.  Although I
> suspect that since Jeremy stepped down (gosh, wasn't that in like 97
> or something?), probably no one has updated that file.  :-)


it happens, ya know? everything can't be happy-nice. it's kind of gagging.

i personally like the flare-ups, it reminds me that this alive, not just
some flower off growing somewhere.

i come from a large family, i hate conflict, but i like knowing that
things are ok aftwerward. i like knowing that i can say what i need to
say. and sometimes, someone will just put up with what i say, because they
care. and sometime someone will be boring, and i will listen and talk to
them anyway. it's family, i guess.

and families argue. they're made up of humans.

i like it that way.


i'll stop being so... sisterish now.


Anything that happens happens. Anything that, in happening, causes something 
else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that, in happening, 
causes itself to happen again, happens again. It doesn't necessarily do it in 
chronological order, though. Douglas Adams

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