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Re: Bill Maher rocks my little world.

One final nail in this coffin??

Ysobelle at aol_com says:
>I love his show. I love the fact that he speaks his mind, he's a liberal in 
>a world of conservatives, and he's well-read, intelligent, and fierce.
Well, he may be all those things to a degree, but I have to cite Kelvin when 
he mentioned that he never listens.  An essential skill for a debater is the 
ability to listen, and I've seen Maher simply discount opposing views far 
more often than concede to the possibility that they may contain even a 
shred of truth.  Peace on Earth may be a dream, but it will definitely never 
be realized as long as people like Maher exist to glamorize the idea that 
sticking to your beliefs is not only admirable, but should be carried out to 
the extent that you deny other people the right to theirs.

>I saw him on Larry King the other night, and he was talking about how he 
>realized how much he was letting his loathing of Dubbya colour his 
>commentary, and he realized he'd have to step back. I think that's pretty 
>impressive to admit that in public and not cover everything with a thick 
>coat of defensiveness.
I'd wager that somebody, perhaps from the network or the volumes of 
"complaint mail" he no doubt gets pointed out to him recently that calling 
the President a "turd" on a regular basis does more to discredit him and his 
points than it does to help them.  Heck, it could have even been someone who 
agrees with him, in an act of "damage control."

>Just out of my own personal curiosity, how many tree-hugging liberals are 
>left on this list?

Ysoie, this part is the real reason I'm replying.  I know how you feel.  I 
was the only person on the Midnight Oil discussion list to offer Christian 
interpretations of their lyrics.  That went over well!  Now, there are many 
Christians on that list who are too timid to speak their mind, but I have 
been joined by one other rather vocal soul.  Still, we are the "black sheep" 
on a list full of liberal tree huggers.  I been the victim of several 
bigoted attacks.  Essentially, I am being told that I have no right to my 
opinion, or I'm off-topic (a MAJOR sin on that uptight list), or I'm 
delusional, or I take things too literally, or I need famous people to 
validate my beliefs, or that I have no right to make personal assessments of 
the band members based on their lyrics, or I'm trying to "save" the listees, 
or that I must think the list was mired in pointless discussion before I 
came along, or...you get the idea.  Discovering that fans of a band that 
sings about "common ground" can be so prejudiced has proven to be quite the 
exercise in cynicism for me. Anyway, Ysoie, feel free to be yourself here.  
I'm sure me all can respect, in the spirit of peace and love, that you are 
your own person.

BTW my favorite Oils song- the anti-racist "White Skin Black Heart"- is a 
touch goth, especially on the 20,000 watt "best of" disc.

the spoil is oil,

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