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Re: conservation hypocrits

> for those of us who aren't fluent in German, and can't find that nifty 
> translation website, translation please?

Oh, I just said that my brain hurt, and I tried to back-translate the sentence
into German to see if I was getting his point, but I still found it confusing,
because of all the sub-clauses, and sub-sub-clauses.  Thinking about thinking
about thinking and all that.  I said that I thought I got it, if one lifted out
the phrase "that not all Americans are thinking", but I wanted to be sure
that's what he meant.  Then I said I was out of practice (going back to Germany
in two months!  Woo woo!).  rhys already got most of the last part; only I said
it was from when I was an exchange student.

As is often the case with people speaking foreign tongues, the conversation
is much less exotic than it sounds.  :-)

See ya,
Don Smith                    Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
dasmith at rotse2_physics.lsa.umich.edu        http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

np - Robbie Robertson

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