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Ahem. (Was Re: conservation hypocricy, etc)

Geez... lighten up! 

Since my half-hearted whining started this thread, 
I feel compelled to clarify a teensy little point:

I wasn't seriously complaining.  
I don't really think *anything* needs to be done about gas prices.
I realize I'm getting older, but sheesh, did you really think 
I was feeling ROBBED of the chance to attend two consecutive OTR shows 
100 miles apart?!... heehee... How ridiculous.

I was just pouting about recent changes in my fuel budget 
and explaining to Ysobelle why I wouldn't be attending her party.

I did my years (in Philadelphia, the city in question, as a matter of fact) 
as a young idealist with no car and a good pair of walking shoes.
We had high-minded discussions of all the world's problems, and came 
up with some "Just carpool, people!" type solutions, too.

...and now I'm a single suburban mom trying to raise her son in a good 
(read: one without bars on the windows and/or used drug needles in the 
There don't happen to be any architecture or design firms within walking 
or even biking distance of this single family home with a driveway and a 
fenced yard
that I'm working my tush off to furnish and renovate.
The other parents that I work with have their own kid's schedules to attend 
in the evenings: carpooling doesn't easily allow for making it to soccer 
practice on time.

These ARE choices I've made.  I'm aware of that and quite happy with them.  
I was not advocating any political action; I was simply pouting.  

I'm female. I *am* entitled to pout.  ; )

I can hear you gearing up to tell me I'm not only contributing to pollution 
to the population explosion, and encouraging misogyny/harming the feminist 
with that last line as well, hmm?  
*big grin*

Not going anywhere near the religious issues....
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