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Re: conservation hypocrits

>um. I think you misunderstood my point just a tad. I never said we didn't 
>need to be good stewards of what God gave us. Never did I say that. I am 
>pointing out something though that I consider to be quite relevant. We are 
>living with the mentality of "resources are running out" and that's not 
>true either. See, ideas have consequesnces. And I personally don't buy into 
>the resources are running out routine.

Physical resources will run out.  But, with the mental resources, we have 
the ability to find other ways.  Solar, Wind, Hydro, those resources that 
are renewable...

>My generation was taught that "god is dead" "survival of the fittest" 
>"there aren't enough resources" so is it suprising that we have people 
>going off and killing babies and classmates killing one another? That's the 
>fruit of what we have taught them. We have no value of people becuase we 
>see that there are too many peopel and I am the strongest so does it 

I can't agree with that.  Nobody taught me that "God was Dead," or that 
there was survival of the fittest.  As a gentleman of the new century, I 
have to say that personal choice is the greatest gift that God did give us, 
and that to try to take that away from anyone or any group of people is just 
wrong.  You know, the whole take the beam out of my eye before I poke at the 
mote in yours?
   I also don't think that some individuals don't value people because they 
see there being too many people, I see them as sad individuals (stressing 
that word) who unfortunately, aren't able to value others as highly as they 
do themselves.  Blame whomever, whatever you like, it's a sad fact that they 
have always been there, it's just easier for the media to exploit them for a 
"good cause" now.  Look at the song "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam.  That happened in 
the early 90's and was buried on page 3 of the local paper.  If that 
incident happened now, there would be a special bulletin on CNN, and Oprah 
would have Jeremy's parents on to discuss why their son did it.

>So when I say I don't buy the resources bit I say that cause I don't 
>believe we are runningout of resources. I beleive that God has given us 
>enough to provide for all the people that he has created.
>Maybe that makes my point better?

Maybe not physical resources, to repeat myself, but yeah.  We stand on the 
shoulders of those who have gone before us, and in doing so can one day 
reach the stars.  (Again, sorry for waxing)(or waning, as the case may be)

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