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Re: flapping wings

> > First, one of my favorite bands has always been
> > the Choir. We've talked about them before on the
> > list, so I know I am not alone here. Does anyone
> > have the new album, Flap Your Wings?  What do you
> > think? It's a bit more melllow than I expected for
> > such a long-awaited release...
> I was kind of diesappointed, too, by that album.
> Not because it's too mellow but because hardly any
> song feels really special to me. But maybe I'll have
> to listen to it again. I haven't for a long time.

The Choir is my all-time favorite band, and has been for ten years. Nobody,
anywhere, has even approached the genius of what they do when they're in top
form (which is most of the time).

That said, I was a bit disappointed in the new record. It's not that any of
the songs are bad - far from it! They're all magnificent! It's just that the
album sounds so disjointed. It simply doesn't work together as a cohesive
collection of songs.

Also, the lo-fi sound doesn't do The Choir any justice (this was my big
complaint with "Speckled Bird"/"Kissers and Killers"). Their songs are
wistful and whimsical; surreal poetry enveloped by glistening melodies and
Derri's lilting vocals. The music deserves clean production and polish. I've
seen the band live several times, and they've always blown me away - it's
not that they /need/ good production in order to shine, it's just that they
deserve it.

On specific songs: I agree with whoever said that the new version of
"Beautiful Scandalous Night" doesn't even come close to the live version.
Nevertheless, we've already got the live version, we might as well have a
different version.  :)

I think "Sunny" is one of the best songs they've ever done.  "Shiny Floor"
is one of the most hummable songs they've ever done.

Overall, _Flap Your Wings_ doesn't rank up there with _Free Flying Soul_ or
_Circle Slide_, but it's certainly a worthy entry into the pantheon of Choir
music. I'd give it five stars out of five (whereas a typical Choir record
would get six stars out of five <g>).

Damn. Now I'm in a Choir mood and I didn't bring any of their discs to work.

Drifting away from the intended topic,

paul christian glenn | pcg at runbox_com

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