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Re: F***

--- jillian tully <waytogojane at hotmail_com> wrote:

> being one who has lashed out at "the church" on this
> list, maybe i shouldn't 
> be talking. however, i'm considerably less angry
> than i was then. right now 
> i'm looking at it from all sides.

the church is.  i'm still trying to figure out how OtR
is a "christian" band.  i don't mean that at all
confrontationally, and i realize there are christian
refs to god, jesus, heaven, etc., but look at how many
are on s. mclachlan's *surfacing*.  is SHE considered
christian rock??

> if you really can't stand your church that much,
> leave it. find another. if 
> you can't stand any church, maybe that's not the
> thing for you. maybe you 
> can find god somewhere else. maybe you just need
> some time away...whatever.

i actually tried that at age 13.  i did not want to be
"confirmed," which i was b/c my father (a lutheran
until nearly his deathbed) wanted me to defer to my
mom's irish-catholic-ness.  i lived the protestant
work ethic during my teens to the hilt.  as rebellion,
after 13 years of catholic school, i chose to attend a
jesuit institution where i received excellent intro
training in eastern philosophies.  my dad (who was
god) died about two years ago; my bro is a happy
zen-buddhist, mom is a helluva taoist, and i'm
somehwere between a tao initiate and a hindu.  all
independently of each other.  problem(s) solved   
> i sound like a self-help moron now, and considering
> i just watched two 
> less-than-intelligent movies in a row, please take
> everything i've said with 
> a 3am grain of salt.

self-help is good; i self-help by focusing on my rural
working-class upbringing, not necessarily on the
faiths that "engendered" that upbringing.  i might
think that that move is as alien to those on this list
who form and grow within themselves by way of their
awareness of their christianity as i feel when looking
at them through my goggles.  which is to say, i like
the banter, i feel the "living in limbo" sense, and
the golden rule is one helluva revolutionary, kick-ass
"edict" formulated in words handed down to us by a cat
who really had a sense for what makes people tick. 
something around which to model an ethical structure. 

> my rants are the keyboard equivalent of a
> carousal....a frat party night of 
> binge drinking of the mind/mouth.

i find them quite interesting, actually.
> something tells me i'll be regretting this in the
> morning.

eh, it's night and i've had a few too.  and yes, i do
not look forward to tomorrow either  :)


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