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Re: OT: Christian Music, Religion, The Meaning of Life, and Courage

--- Kelvin Bailey <prestokelvo at yahoo_com> wrote:
> I thought that was Steve Taylor.
If you had put a smiley face there... I'd think that you
knew he lifted that line from one of her published letters.
As it is.... well, i'm reminding of my subliterate friends
who won't go see "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" because
they don't want to have to read when they go the movies. 
<fume, fume, fume> But that's not intended as a reflection
on you. :^) Just my stupid friends.

> We also can't forget that, once called out, they were 
> called up to a very high standard of holiness. That being 
> said, I don't disagree with you at all.
to expound upon your thought, I've always believed that
holiness had more to do with a person's motivations than
what they actually did. We all know it's possible to do the
right thing for all the wrong reasons... doing the right
thing for the right reason... I guess that's what we all
aspire to do.

So yea... Jesus would hang out in gay bars (and straight
ones, but they're usually boring) and would find a way to
let the patrons know they are loved... and not just for that

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Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


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