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Re: The wonder and the was

Bruce Lachey <b_lachey at hotmail_com> wrote:
> Yep, the Xavier Styuka show was dandy and all. 
> Grand weather.  I was getting o'er food poisoning 
> and was in an especially weird mood (which I 
> still may not be out of)...

ask the trooper who was shouting and yelling for his 
hat as you dangled it over the river.  he'll probably 
confirm that you were in a weird mood.

hopefully the chicken feed didn't get too ground in to

karin's hand when you shook her hand.  what were you 

but, i concur.  the Xavier show was good.  beautiful 
day for an outside show.

> What I learned from the whole experience is that Mr.
> Temmesfeld isn't the best air hockey player in the 
> world, or even the tri-state.

hey, i blame that on bad lighting.

'cuz i'm weak that way,

np: ani difranco - revelling

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