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Re: Canal St.

Don said:

>>Lines are supposed
>>to be 80 characters max, and 70 is considered polite (it allows for
>>layers of quoting indentations).

>>But nobody seems to care about that stuff anymore.
> >But nobody seems to care about that stuff anymore.

Righteous Fury responded:

> I care, Don.
> Hey, now.   I've never been anti-Microsoft.  Developing for MS platforms
has been a fairly lucrative career for me thus far.  At 24, I made more than
my father did at 50.  So you'll get no high-level MS-bashing out of me.  Oh,
I'll complain about little things, like tri-state boolean variables. (don't
ask - you don't want me to get started.

I say:

Ironic that Mr. Fury's response to Don's comment stretched out over
figurative miles in one continuous line on the digest.

Sa-weet Caroline,


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