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Re: random acts of typing

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Kelvin Bailey wrote:

> I just saw the trailer for the Harry Potter movie.  I can't wait.

and for LOTR - that should prove to be really cool - i hope...

> There were three shark attacks within a few miles radius of where I
> was last week.  Scary!

shark meat tastes good: go fishing. (: don't swim.

can a movie like JAWS really happen in real life? i've always wanted to

> I think I'm going to Ireland next year.  Might not come back.

wow. where? why? etc.

> Colby's getting kicked off this week.  I just know it.
> This incredibly smart, witty, fun, cute, amazing girl just walked back
> into my life.  She's a doctor.  How long does one wait after a broken
> engagement to start dating again?

well - i don't know if you really are looking at an answer... i am dating
someone who used to be engaged- it took him about a year/year.half to 'get
over it' realise nothign was coming back. but... i guess it depends.

> Sarah Groves is cool.


it snowed yesterday. 

picnics are nice, but not in the snow.


If you've done six impossible things before breakfast, why not round it off
with dinner at Milliway's, the restaurant at the end of the universe.

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