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Levels of excitement


Four days 'til Over the Rhine is here!

I'm finding it hard to contain myself after reading
the play-list/responses of the Portland venue.

2 personal comments - Dude, be grateful you got to
hear them play "And Can It Be" live!  That song used
to be my all time favorite - before the band made
"Patience" (then I switched my favorite tune to
"Painted My Name" - which still is a fav of mine!) 
NIGHT?!?!?!?  I nearly fell out of my chair, amazed! 
I still can only say WOW!

The mix-up of tunes played is good to hear, that the
main stay of the new album will remain while a
careless hand finds another lost photograph in the oak
chest that sat alone in the living room of my mind.

Man, am I still new to this - the feeling of waiting -
knowing that I'm not going to be disappointed.

I can do it!  It's only four more days!

I also just read an article in the Phoenix New Times
(page 113) of Scott Wilson's recent interview w/ OtR -
Ugh!!!  Another mental paper cut of pain!!!  I can do

Just four more days!

Later Gators

Chris in Arizona

Spring: A moment of action, a season to bloom -
impulsive heart speaks from it's dormant sleep,
heeding not to what others whisper.

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