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Re:digest virgin

Subject: digest virgin

hey, i just subscribed to this crazy over-the-rhine
thang, and i'm just 
testing to see whether i'm doing this right (yeah, i'm
a bit of a 

testing, onetwothree, testing

Hey - I'm new to the digest, but with all assuredness
(is that spelled right?) you made a right choice to

I too have just recently became a techno once I bought
this new computer, one that allows me daily access
into the internet world, before I was only exposed the
internet through my work place - which is nothing. 
But that is the past.

I've been on the list since March 20th - ever since I
found out that my favorite band was going to take a
western jaunt through my town.  Of what I've heard
from these fellow voices here in this mailer is just,
if not stirring; these people know, and share freely.

Hopefully you will feel the same after a few more
Just make a cup of coffee, click back and enjoy
(though to have OtR playing on you local radio is not
entirely necessary).

Chris in Arizona

Rama Zen I: The Prince Cybil of Thinking
"You may have a billion lives, but the trick is to live them one at a time."

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