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Re: Healthy agnosticism

i _like_ this thread.  :)

jeff said:

> > wrong and I'm right. But that would be taking the
> > same attitude that they take against me and other
> > religions.

then kelvin said:
> there is a wrong and a right.  We can
> argue
> all day as to who is wrong and who is right, but
> there
> is an objective truth to who God is and what
> Christianity is, a truth that is universal,
> constant,
> and objective.

i think the hairy part has to do with what qualifies a
person to identify and present that objective truth. 
being a fallible vessel, i wonder what makes me more
able/chosen to perceive the truest reality as opposed
to some other desperate, seeking soul (supposing they
really are seeking).  i wonder all of this from a
thoroughly humanist upbringing, mind you.

granted, there are things we could say about trusting
that god does reveal himself etc.  i really believe
that.  look at poets/kings like nezohuacoyotl of the
aztec empire...a king like david (very similar history
and personality...even the adultery thang) with
amazing gifts.  he was a poet who, in the midst of his
pantheistic, very religious culture, wrote poems to
the unknown god, omniscient, omnipotent.  even built
him a monument.  there weren't any christians in the
area at that time.  no monotheistic, western
judeo-christian "civilized" people to teach ol'
nezohuacoyotl.  so yeah, i believe that creation is a
reflection of its creator.

where i'm coming from is more of an attitude than an
affirmation.  it's an attitude that's quite ironic. 
humbly hoping to learn and seeing frequently that i've
been wrong but authoritative concerning what i've
experienced and what has won my heart and faith.

most of us are gonna eventually grasp onto something
(or settle for being miserable and/or suicide).  i
honestly hope i can say that i want the essential
origin of all the perversions that seek me out.  i say
here that i do.

but back to us :)  we'll work on kneading our
revelation(s) into our paradigms, hoping to be whole
people afterwards, when it's all said and done.  and
what i'm talking about here can be completely
relational...with god, with other people.  i mention
that b/c ideas being worked into other mental concepts
don't sound very alive :)  i mean, why would you want
just that?

when i share authoritatively from my life, i do so
hoping to contribute to eternal perspectives and life
(fullness).  but in the end, the attitude i end up
with is rather humbling...that as a filter of the
divine, i am limited.  this has a cute way of knocking
me over, on my butt or on my face, whichever is best
at the time.  so now i want to hear people more than
speak to them.  at least that's what i idealistically
want :)

> Fundamentalist by birth, Christian by the grace of
> God

oh you funny man :)  and you are a wonderful

i just ate my father's shrimp gumbo.  de-lish.

-j. marie

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