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bogarts show

Great show.  I agree with Dan that Birds was great, the beginning reminded 
me of some Rage against the Machine song, I forget the name.  I'm serious.  
I've read some of Larry Nager's Enquirer reviews about the band and their 
albums and they've always been really good, I guess he just doesn't like 
Jack's style or something.  After the show I went over to Martino's to watch 
the UC game and a little later Karin and Linford walked in, but instead of 
watching the game, they went upstairs to some post-show party or something.  
I couldn't believe it!  You'd think they would have a little more support 
for their home town collegiate athletics.  Pox on them, thats probably why 
we lost.  :)

It was nice meeting everyone at the pre-show dig at Daniels.  I was the guy 
with the Tori shirt that apparently looked like a Toad the Wet Sprocket 
shirt.  I don't know either.  BTW, Dan, I checked that site with the 
OtR/Tori mix-up and nothing was there except a page that said nothing was 

Later all,

Side note:  at the Everybody's Records show I got a signed copy of that 
poster with K&L where Linford looks like a cross between a young Bob Dylan 
and U2's Bono.  I left it at my parents house and my mom spilled some grease 
on Karin's face and now she has this mark that bears resmeblence to 
Gorbichov.  Blasphemy!
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