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Re: Dangling

--- Jeff McCloud <teamccloud at yahoo_com> wrote:
> > 
(Please don't say "for
> you and I." It's "for you and me," doggone it!)

Y'know, next to those lousy tailgaters, this has got
to be the pet peeve of all pet peeves for me- people
who misuse "I" in this way.  You know, saying "That
belongs to my wife and I" as opposed to "That belongs
to me and my wife."  I think it's actually a form of
pretension.  I guess I'm surrounded on a daily basis
by people who are under pressure to sound educated but
don't make the effort to be so.

Or maybe I'm a snob...

I, myself, and I,


"The pleasure of obedience is pretty thin compared to the pleasure of hearing a rotten tomato hit someone in the rear end."     --  Garrison Keillor

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