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> There.  That's me gettin' all publicly nasty. 
> No good, really.  And so I
> wonder again where Kyle is.
> I dangled an "is" at the end of the sentence,
> and I'm not taking it back.  I
> may dangle some prepositions in a moment.

Maybe I'm opening a can of worms ...

Since high school, grammar has been my life. Just
as math comes naturally to some people, proper
grammar is innate it me.(Please don't say "for
you and I." It's "for you and me," doggone it!)
So I majored in journalism and worked in
newspapers for seven years. In the last 11 or 12
years, I've never heard of a dangling verb. Yes,
this can be an awkward sentence construction
sometimes, and clarity would demand a rewrite,
but there's nothing wrong with it.

Then again, I get the impression that there are
those on this list who disagree. The ironic thing
is I like music and art that opens me up, that
stretches the boundaries a little -- but grammar
rules are there for a reason, so respect them,
use the properly and certainly don't break them!

Jeff McCloud
teamccloud at yahoo_com

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