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RE: OtR's Wheaton Thing

Just wondering if you, Mr. Lachey, read the rest of my review of the
evening's performance? Had you done so, you undoubtedly would have realized
the inapposite nature of your argument wherein you suggest that because of
my negative treatment of GMS as an acoustic piece, I somehow go to shows to
hear an "exact live duplication" of a CD I already own.  Nothing could be
further from the truth and this is certainly evident in the following
portion of my critique where I commented on the marvelous improvisational
efforts of the band, "But the most striking moment of the night was
certainly the seemingly off-the-cuff version of "The Body.""  By that remark
I obviously failed to take into account the portion of listees not in
attendance. But nonetheless, there is at least implicit in that statement
the idea that I enjoyed the rendition that was proffered. Those in
attendance were treated to a collective improvisational effort the likes of
which I have only seen once before with OTR- namely, when they performed a
stirring rendition of  "Circle of Quiet" on the last outing. So, you see,
Mr. Lachey, your critique of my critique was  someone without basis, albeit
only because of the implicit nature of a certain portion of my comments.
Having said that, I am glad that at least you took notice.
Good Day,

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Lachey [mailto:b_lachey at hotmail_com]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 2:05 PM
To: over-the-rhine at actwin_com; ceiclovy at speakeasy_net
Subject: OtR's Wheaton Thing

Here's my one cent (I can't really throw two cents in, since I wasn't at the

The thing that struck me as most goofy in David's review were the following
few sentences:

"Need I say more than to point out that the one single (GMS) from the album,
the one single that might have brought out new fans of OTR was performed
acoustic!? And a slighter than average performance it was! Of course,
Karen's vocals could be sweet and captivating in a concentration camp, but
we should, and I certainly do, expect more from the band than turning the
single into a  watered down version because they could not figure out how to
reproduce the sound outside of the studio!"

I saw 'em play GMS acoustic at Everybodys, heard it on 97X as well that
morning.  Acoustic versions aren't always "watered down"; that's not the way
I'd describe what I heard at all.  You don't always have to be beaten over
the head to get the point of something.  Hearing exact live duplications of
CDs I own is not the reason I go to a concert; maybe it's the reason you go.

[this coming from someone who usually can say it like it is, I have no
qualms ever about dogging a rotten performance]

Welcome, and I'm glad you new folks are all writing!


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