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OtR's Wheaton Thing

Here's my one cent (I can't really throw two cents in, since I wasn't at the 

The thing that struck me as most goofy in David's review were the following 
few sentences:

"Need I say more than to point out that the one single (GMS) from the album, 
the one single that might have brought out new fans of OTR was performed 
acoustic!? And a slighter than average performance it was! Of course, 
Karen's vocals could be sweet and captivating in a concentration camp, but 
we should, and I certainly do, expect more from the band than turning the 
single into a  watered down version because they could not figure out how to 
reproduce the sound outside of the studio!"

I saw 'em play GMS acoustic at Everybodys, heard it on 97X as well that 
morning.  Acoustic versions aren't always "watered down"; that's not the way 
I'd describe what I heard at all.  You don't always have to be beaten over 
the head to get the point of something.  Hearing exact live duplications of 
CDs I own is not the reason I go to a concert; maybe it's the reason you go.

[this coming from someone who usually can say it like it is, I have no 
qualms ever about dogging a rotten performance]

Welcome, and I'm glad you new folks are all writing!


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