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Re: creed

hola :)

--- brian warren <bhwarren at yahoo_com> wrote:
> I just want us to be moving from the <disgust> idea
> to more of a concern for
> those who don't know God.

i think that was the flip side of my point: we could
be dealing with a false representation of what creed
is about...but we could also be dealing with false
representation of what christianity is about...in
terms of there being one way to god etc....if creed is
gettin' pluralist (i'm not saying they totally are)
and then lumped in with christianity...then that's
confusing and doesn't help much with "people knowing
god" if you believe that jesus is the way to know him.

i wasn't jesting so much from a critical perspective
but more from a careful one in terms of at least
_trying_ to be accurate.

> how they don't like
> Creed's music or that they don't want to sit through
> thier music for all of
> eternity. I know you were joking

actually, i don't think anyone meant even that
jokingly...but if you asked, some might agree with
that statement (even seriously) :)  in terms of
eternity and having _my_ druthers, sure, there's music
i'd prefer or not prefer for _all of eternity_.  that
doesn't mean i'm hoping those musicians won't be there
with me :)  dude, hate the sin, love the sinner (i'm

, but would you
> rather the people in that
> band go to hell just because you don't like their
> style?

i'm pretty sure no one was saying anything like that. 
that's takin' it a bit too far.
> It seems like theres a lot of angst going around for
> bands and those who
> don't fit the preferred style or taste.

nah, just strong opinions.  no one is suggesting we
institute a musical oligarchy.  but yeah, some of us
tend to have a critical ear.  it's good.  we all learn
a lot even if we don't change our minds.

what's interesting, too, is that often the thing that
"bothers" us (could be perceived as "angst") is where
we are driven...it's one of the things we probably are
supposed to do, to put our hands to.  those of us
promoting high standards for the arts (even for
christian artists of sorts) do so out of a passion to
see beauty and deep reality in this life experience. 
many of us actually do put our hands to various
mediums and take it seriously.  so if some of us are
particular or have strong opinions, it doesn't mean
the whole world is supposed to follow suit.  other
people will be driven towards other "passions" (i
don't mean that in the 15th century way).  and they're
not horrible people.  and life will continue on.  it's

> are all OtR fans. But
> can an OtR fan be a fan of Creed? Or Carman. Me
> thinks so.

sure...and if it weren't "allowed," who cares, right?
:)  as for it being possible, i'll leave that up to
the individual's disgression :)

> Not that I really
> am a fan of either too much, but I'm not an
> anti-fan. And in Carman's sake,
> I appreciate what he does. He seems like a nice
> enough guy and lots of
> people do like his music.

and that's great.  i'm not demeaning his heart and
ministry.  he's serving god the way he feels called (i
would guess)...but that doesn't mean that i would
state that his music is "good" in all
honesty/integrity.  sorry, i can't do that.  having
good intentions is one thing, making good music is
another.  but i wish carman well.  he's gotta do what
he's gotta do...as does each one of us.

take care,
j. marie

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