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Re: dreamlife of angels

--- jillian tully <waytogojane at hotmail_com> wrote:
> no need to call yourself ignorant, dear...we're all
> better off *not* knowing 
> about contemporary christian music. it's an archaic
> term that hurts the 
> careers of some very talented people (like chasing
> furies and burlap to 
> cashmere) and disillusions many others, despite the
> wonderful songs they 
> write afterwards (like sam phillips and sixpence).

I understand the jist of what you're saying, and agree
to a point.  However, I must point out that sixpence
is still sitting smack dab in the middle of the ccm
industry.  As a matter of fact, there are what one
might call a "darling" of the industry.  
As for Chasing Furies - amazing!
As for Burlap - one of my favorites, but I'm not sure
they would have been widely appreciated in any
industry or market.  Sad


"The pleasure of obedience is pretty thin compared to the pleasure of hearing a rotten tomato hit someone in the rear end."     --  Garrison Keillor

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