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FfR weekend listening

Hello all,

I spent the past weekend in Cincinnati recording some bass and guitar for 
Brownhouse (openers at the last Moonlight Garden Show OTR show). While I was 
there I got a chance to hear the new album multiple times. I think I REALLY 
like about 50% of the album, 30% seems like it could grow on me, and 20% I 
just don't like (seems filler).

Way different appeal than GDBD. It's not as mysterious or magical right off 
the bat, but the arrangments and instrumentaion is much more elaborate and 
vaudevillianly bleautiful. Overall the lyrics seem to me to be "about the 
moment" than "in the moment" if that makes any sense which while may not be 
as enthralling is better thought out.

Highlights: When I Go (abrupt guitar solo)
                Fairpoint Diary (Jon Brion/Aimee Mann-esque instrumentation 
is fab)

Song that does nothing for me: I Radio Heaven (and I'm even a big Radiohead 
- maybe that'll grow. The lyrics seem good.

That's my two cents,

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