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To: over-the-rhine-announce at actwin_com

From: OTRhine at aol_com

Subject: Films For Radio Red Light Special: Whoa!

Hello again everyone,

The phones have been ringing off the hook at the office. 
It's like trying to win tickets on the radio to the Reading 
Festival in England or something. So glad that so many of 
you are looking forward to this recording. Thank you so 
much for your enthusiasm. Orders have been pouring in. 
We are deluged with your kindness. We are drowning in 
good will. Grace has been put on hold, and joy has been 
monopolizing the call-waiting.

I guess my mysterious letter managed to confuse a few people, 
and we're still not sure who got it and who didn't. I'm told it 
hasn't appeared in the archive. At least some people probably 
have no idea what I'm talking about. Yesterday's letter will be 
posted at overtherhine.com soon, and the Films For Radio 
Pre-Order Special should be up and running on line by the end 
of the day at overtherhine.com. Please order on line using our 
Secure Server if you can. It will save Stacie a lot of work. Poor girl. 

Karin had to hold the phone while she took a pee break.

A few quick clarifications: this special is running for the 
entire month of February. Come March 1st, it will be over, 
and there will be no more signed and numbered editions 
available. But it IS running for the entire month of February, 
so don't panic if you didn't get through today. We'll sign and 
number the cd's to fill however many orders we receive 
during the month of February, whether that ends up being 
500 or 5000. (My hand hurts already.)

Stacie will ship these out so that they will be delivered 
to your door on March 13th. The cost is $15 per signed 
cd--we pay the shipping anywhere in the U.S.A. Foreign 
orders, please add $5 per cd for shipping and handling 
overseas etc.

One other quick aside: someone printed out a copy for us 
of an on-line article that was recently sent to the Over the Rhine 
discussion list. We had a wonderful time speaking with Jessica 
at Kaldi's, but one part of the interview made me feel a little 
awkward when I saw it. The interview took place last November 
before our Christmas Tour, and since it was published well after 
the tour, I'm assuming the editors probably changed a few things 
in order to make it sound more recent. 

Jessica was asking about the line-up that we were planning on 
taking out in December, and it hadn't been confirmed yet at that 
time. I answered by saying something like Karin, Jack, Terri and 
myself and a drummer and a bass player. The editors changed the 
question to, Who did you take out on tour last December? They 
left the answer Karin, Jack, Terri and myself and a drummer and 
a bass player. In my mind, it sounded like, Oh, y'know, Karin, Jack, 
Terri, myself and some drummer and bass player--like who cares...

Well in case it matters to anyone besides me, we care! Just to 
clarify, the drummer was Dale Baker, and the bass player was 
Chris Donohue. If someone would have actually asked me after 
the tour who we took out, I would have named them with a big 
grin on my face, because they are a fantastic rhythm section 
that played such a wonderful part in making our tour last December 
so enjoyable and memorable. (Wade Jaynes filled in for Chris in 
Lafayette, Indiana and at The Taft in Cincinnati.)

We always seek to acknowledge the players that we've had the 
privilege of working with. And Dale and Chris are two of the 
best ever. Just thought I'd mention it.

Well, I better run along. We'll see you on that Spring Tour that 
is going to take us to some bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, 
down to Austin where we'll be drinking from those deep musical 
wells, and back to Chicago which a friend of mine just described 
as the #1 city in America for live music. I couldn't think of a 
reason to argue.

Bon courage,

Linford Detweiler

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