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y do we do wut we do when we do

I have skimmed the 
		list digests
	Which you left
		On my screen.
	They were lovely,
		So lusty and so 
		Talkitive . . . .


Questions and statements:

Is PlainJane a guy?

Did that other person REALLY say that the body is separate from the

And whatever that person REALLY meant, I must say that this
mind-body-spirit issue is one on which knowing the questions is very good
and insisting on answers is very bad.  (I am wearing a flame-proof shroud
right now.)

Also, for the mill, CS Lewis believed in Evolution.  That's right.  The
seldom read last chapter of Mere Christianity proffers this bit of
information.  Very interesting.  A drinkin', smokin', cussin', Darwinist.

As for Harry Potter . . . a lot of the Christian parent fear of these
books might, I say might, be attributed to the hoax forward where
wassername the writer says that the books are designed to recruit kiddos
for the devil.  Of all the hoax forwards I've seen, this one was among
the most embarrassing, cos it's "source" turned out to be a satirical
farce that was run in The Onion online.

If you wonder why that's embarrassing, see www.onion.com (or is it
www.theonion.com?  forgetting . . . )

Anyway, Harry Potter is the best capitalist the world has seen since Bill

I think we've had more "get me off this crazy list, you crazy bastards"
postings because of the "fucking" thread than I've seen in a while.  
This is not, as many of you know, the usual cause, and I find it
noteworthy.  This discussion has, in my skimmin', seemed essentially

Is it the darkest night of the year?  I think it might be.

I shall play that album now.



Bicycles still pass,
Wind flys through red scarves and teeth--
Into darkest night


haikus.  nothing else.  that's what we should post for he next twentyfour

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