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C.S. Lewis

>  Typically, Christians who read
>  Lewis don't get hung up on that at all.  They probably
>  just think, "Oh, those funny little Brits!"
Sorry, but you should say American Christians here. Nowhere else have I seen
Christians so upset just about words without looking at what they were
intended to mean.

>  Lewis also smoked & drank on occasion. That may mean nothing to many of
> but I know many Christians who have a problem with drinking & smoking. I
> not sure if they don't know Lewis did it, or if they are willing to ignore
> because of his efforts in defending Christianity.
See, I sometimes just don't get this. First: Is it wrong to drink or smoke
just cause some people drink/smoke too much and therefor harm them? Some
people harm themselfes by surfing the internet too much... is surfing the
internet a sin?? I don't smoke cause I know I'd get addicted. But I like to
enjoy my occasional beer or wine. And I don't see any wrong with it.
And even if it was a sin... would this make the words of Lewis any less true
and powerful? See, this bothered me for a long time that a lot of Christians
(and this time not only American Christians) always seem to want "perfect"
people as teachers. That's so stupid. Nobody's perfect. And God speaks
through the imperfect and broken.
Sorry to ramble.
HAve a merry Christmas everybody!!

Tobi (:

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