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Re: C.S. Lewis Revisited

In a message dated 12/19/00 3:18:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Owner-Over-The-Rhine at actwin_com writes:

 As for the person who mentioned C.S. Lewis' usage of
 "damn" and "ass", I think you need to give most
 Christians a break.  Typically, Christians who read
 Lewis don't get hung up on that at all.  They probably
 just think, "Oh, those funny little Brits!"

  I do not think that Christians get "hung up" on Lewis using the words 
"damn" and "ass". And I am a Christian, and most Christians I know don't have 
a problem with
 it. However, many Christians admire Lewis so much that they are willing to 
overlook this. I know of people who would not have a problem with Lewis 
saying something like "damn", but if someone else did(say Stephen King), 
their opinion of him would be lowered because of his choice of words. 
 Lewis also smoked & drank on occasion. That may mean nothing to many of you, 
but I know many Christians who have a problem with drinking & smoking. I am 
not sure if they don't know Lewis did it, or if they are willing to ignore 
because of his efforts in defending Christianity. 

 Basically, my response was based on experiences I've had with other people. 
Having grown up in a Pentecostal environment, it is refreshing to hear this 
kind of discussion among those who are Christians. Kelvin, I don't agree with 
everything you said about the poem, but I enjoyed reading your comments.

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