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Re: Linford's potty pen

kelvin wrote:

> Since I hate being the lone dissenter, this will be
> my
> last word on this thread.

you weren't the only one ;)

> lot to do with responsibility.  I do believe that I
> have freedom in Christ.  I don't have to get all
> hung
> up over my screaming a dirty word in the car, or
> even
> a friend hearing it.  My friends know my heart and
> what I say probably won't change their opinion of
> me. 

> There is freedom in Christ to do a lot of things
> that
> many Christians would condemn across the board.
> However, we have to remember that, in the same
> sentence in which Paul talked about our freedom, he
> talked about our responsibility.

okay, but what's the difference with random cursing
out of frustration and using such words in a
poem...with regard to that responsibility?  and why
does it matter (as an affirmation) that your friends
accept it and are not offended...that's what i meant
by the humanism comment before.  i think you'll point
to fellowship and accountability, but the status quo
of today is what i'll point to as neither acceptable
nor christlike...if going by "letters" of biblical
laws.  if you're gonna take the rigid line on art,
shouldn't you do so in the basic personal moments too?

responsibility doesn't end with the public boundaries.
 your private life very much informs your public one
anyway :)

> he says; not only because of the Christians but
> because of the countless non-Christians who are
> scrutinizing the words and behavior of those who are
> Christians.

you know, human beings who are christians have to fall
from their esteemed pedestals anyway :)  until i saw
and was hurt by a pastor, in leadership and authority
over me, i didn't full understand or allow his own
humanity.  i think the sooner people stop revering
other people so much, the sooner they'll be able to
worship god.

> I keep wondering what kind of damage
> control I would have to do if one of the kids I know
> -
> young in their faith - read Linford's interviews and
> his strong professions of faith, and then saw that
> poem.  I guess that's where I'm coming from.

it's a pickle...constantly.  i teach high school.  boy
do _we_ have some fun discussions :)  many of the kids
spend their lunch times with me just to hang out and
talk with me about things.  i must tell you that i ask
questions way more than i give answers (ethics of the
system of education), but the tension is gonna be
there whether it's linford or someone else.  i often
play devil's advocate _just_ to get them outside of
their narrow considerations.  it's not their fault
that they haven't heard other views yet...and it's my
privilege to gently help them while they deal with
those views.

i know that they are delicate and younger than you
(you have middle schoolers, right?).  i know that you
are a covering for the kids you pastor.  thank god. 
so, hold their hand while you both walk through the
confusion.  that's all you can do anyway.  they're
getting old enough to have to wrestle, and they need a
responsible adult to help them.
> All that being said...this is a tough one.  There
> are
> some Christians who would condemn me for listening
> to
> Sinead O'Conner or going to Jim Porter's to hear
> Bruce
> Cockburn.  I really don't give them much credence. 
> But there's this fuzzy line somewhere between here
> and
> there and I won't even pretend to know where it
> lies.
> I'm just happy to be here...

well said.

take care,

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