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hey you

kelvin pronounces:

> wondering how much attention it would get at all if
> it
> used another colorful euphamism.  I dunno...you tell
> me.

like "diarrhea" of the mouth...you know, another word
for "shit"? :)  i don't understand how one thing can
be labelled unwise and the other quotidian
nonsense...when the basic objection, if we're holding
up magnifying glasses, is the same.  i'm not a
relativist over all, but human language _is_ relative.

> who aren't Christians.  Whatever mindgames or
> language
> games we may want to play with the F word, it is
> profane.

not to a german christian...or how about the word
"joder" to me?  it's a nice spanish curse word, but i
guarantee it doesn't have the same weight for me. 
you're talking about the social meanings attached, and
those tattoo (verb form here) "taboo" across words. 
if someone intends to play with the semantic
representations of meanings (like a poet), i don't
think it's fair to point again to the word (or the
signifIER) for clear intention or meaning.  the
signifIED (what ever "fuck" was bringing across)
certainly isn't fixed in the poem or in our social
understandings of it.  as far as games are concerned,
isn't that what a lot of artistic language is about,
what poetry is for in many cases?

  That is univerally acknowledged.  (That's
> why if you put it in your movie too many times,
> you'll
> get an R rating.)

an "r" rating is a basic manifestation of social
contract, and we think it's based on a mass assessment
and agreement...but somehow in these democratic
societies, why is it that hegemony still places
control with a rich few in their white church pew?? 
justice, a fair say and laws themselves change with
time and with who is in control.  why in the world
would there be such a fuss about the elections et al.
if this were not true?  but i digress...

if it's just "true" that these movies are
"inappropriate," one must remember for whom...i
believe it's for individuals under a certain age
(17?).  as for adults, developmentally speaking, i
think even this imperfect society gives us a little
more credit to discern b/w wheat and chaff on our last
days with it.

> talk.  Mind you, I can let some corkers slip out of
> my
> mouth from time to time.  Heck, only a saint can
> drive
> in Louisville and not utter the occassional
> profanity.

well, according to scripture, you are that saint (a
certain understanding of that word "saint").  also, i
don't see how these little expulsions of "unwholesome
talk" are more acceptable (b/c of human
imperfection-that smells of humanism to me) than an
_intentional_ striking up of the band with other, more
careful use of language.

what i mean by all this is: look at the heart.  the
heat of the moment reveals where my true heart is...in
the push and shove of it all...on the highway with
strange motorists who aggravate me.  what's really in
there (my heart) comes flying out.  as a "saint,"
shouldn't we be goin' for patience and peace?  as
artists, the language isn't a flying expulsion without
care.  it's done with plenty of revision (most often).
 and i ask, where is the heart???  i'm not sayin'
we're checking into linford's heart (god help us! :) 
), but what, in context, is he trying to say?

also, with regard to the christian garb and vestiment
that is supposed to stand _stainless_ in the face of
non-christians, i respect the concern over all (romans
14); but i think we have to look at different contexts
too.  jesus had to fuss with the pharisees about
legalism and the washing of hands, the healing of the
sick on the sabbath.  what's at the root of a witness
for christ?  where is the heart?  also, linford has
disclaimed his jesus-cheerleader status.  he's not
claiming to preach the gospel on his records or in his
writing.  from what i've heard, it's a human
exploration of life blessed by god and honest in that
approximation.  he doesn't claim to be an evangelist. 
we all play our parts in places and seasons etc...even
in different moments.

>  But we're not talking heat of the moment diarreah
> of
> the mouth.  We're talking about writing something
> that
> most people recognize as inappropriate and
> publishing
> it for all to see.

how in the world does anything change otherwise?  any
revolution that has brought us social change (like
independence or civil rights) is wrought with
challenging pushing of envelopes.  i agree with rhys
that the value often lays in just jostling an idea,
interfacing with it, and walking away changed.  i
always hope for the best in that and trust god for it.
 and besides, when i've explored off the direct path,
i discover other things while wandering, increasing my
perspective, and it is not a harsh voice that harkens
me back.  the heart is there...teachable, curious, in
love.  and this one liked the poem.

i liked what you brought up, both you and rhys.

take care,

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