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Re: on Hoosier life

In a message dated 12/13/00 7:18:45 AM Central Standard Time, 
michael.cade.liv1 at statefarm_com writes:

<< Gil,
names Kevin, Michael. Gilhamilton is a character from a Larry Niven book.

 >>I have lots of questions for you.
 >>Where are you at in NW IN?  We are in Crown Point and you must be real 
 to us.  We should do a Schuba's together sometime.

Woah nelly! We're practically neighbors. I live right outside of Griffith is 
Calumet township. A Schuba's show sounds great. Did you catch the last one. 
By the time I knew I could go for sure they were already sold out. Been to at 
least 6 or 7 in the past though. Maybe we could even catch a band at Borders, 
sip out latte' and talk over the poor saps that thought they were going there 
to share their music!
 >>Know why Hoosiers do it 'doggy style'?  They can both watch NASCAR!  I 
 we just aren't sports fans.  The only sport we watch are the barrel races at
 the Lake County Fair.  I gues that pretty much labels us.

Or at least puts you in some kind of general catagory:-)
>>So what is up with AOL?

I wouldn't reccomend it. I've been thinking of going the cable route myself. 
AOL is all right if you don't mind crawling the web at the speed of a turtle 
on downs. Getting booted off every few minutes. Losing letters in the middle 
of them because the page has just performed some kind of *illegal operation* 
-- they must only allow you to use certain words! But if that stuff don't bug 
ya, sure go out and get AOL today.

grace and peace man,
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