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I love OTR

In an effort, however meager, to keep this list OTR centered for those who
have not realized you can only have soo many discussion about "best" album
(Till We have Faces or GDBD depending on my mood) or favorite band member
(Linford in his raged and goateed phase), I am talking about Over the
Rhine before I begin to respond to Kyle.  I love the band a loot.  I wsh I
could see them every weekend but I am stuck in SE Oregon in the freakn'
snow, far far away from my talented, brillant, and stunning girlfriend (Hi
Jenna.)  So If I seem a little peevish and irritated it is that and an
effort to get a paper written well enough to be submitted to a
journal.  Any advice on getting published in these sorts of things?

There having possibly giving people a number of things to respond to other
than our inane discussion of politics, I will move on to the job at hand.

> > > "Elitist" in the sense of thinking only one set of ideas is correct.
> right, mine.

Not even worth the time or the effort

> > > "Imperialist" in the sense of thinking that those ideas should be forced
> > > upon the world.
> once again correct :)

I don't want to know what you hope to do to "force" these ideas on the

> > > But how interesting that this is to be a "liberal" statement.
> > > Imperialism is inherently conservative,
> imperialism is neither inherently conservative or liberal.  its about  the
> policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a
> nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect
> control over the political or economic life of other areas.  how
> conservative or liberal depends on the one in power.

You are correct but once establish an imperialistic government starts
towards conservatism by definition because they want to maintain the
status quo that they have established.  It is ultimately what brings down
most imperialist cultures.  Look at the Greeks, Romans, Britain, France
(well thats actually Napoleon invading Russia but the Revolution helped
him into power so and we know how well intentioned they were), America,
and Japan to name a few more well-known examples.

> >afraid of the chaos of
> > > polyvocality and democracy.
> democracy is mob rule, a system destined for mediocrity. no good idea and
> its implementation can survive everyone's input and approval.   

Sure enough.  Democracy is the worst system in the world except for every
other system.

> i am all about enlightened imperialism/monarchy. and since i do plan to
> live forever, we don't have to worry about the whole succession mess.

Machiavelli here we come.  The French enlighted and that turned out pretty
well.  Look at them today.  That is a gret goal for out world.  Although,
I'm not sure about the living forever thing.  There isn't anyone who has
yet thawarted my Cute and Fuzzy Ninja Bunnies.  Beware.

> only if you misunderstand the meaning of imperialism.  you have a liberal
> ideal/system and spread it by whatever means necessary.  the conservatives
> can fall inline, become raw material suppliers or be bombed back to the
> stone ages.  how hard is that?

Well, there's the bombing thing.  I think there are some people in
Montana and Michigan who could outgun and out bomb you.  There also the
issue that if you take a liberal approach and spread it over the world
through your great might and wit, then you become the conservative, and
those who oppose you become the progressives.  Those terms exist in a
relative plane.

> >and I object to left wing attempts
> > > to legislate their morality, too.  And they are both conservative.
> not true, i  have extreme moral flexibility, and i firmly believe that
> people have the right to be as amoral as they wish to be as long as, one,
> they are devious enough to get away with it, or two, they are willing to
> face the consequences.

How is that moral flexibility?  You merely set up a new new set of values
in which you ignore traditional value systems and place selfishness at the
pinnacle of yours, which by the way is not a very progressive ideal such
aas you were speaking about earlier as you bashed the conservative element
for not looking out for others.

Just admit it.  you are another cheap despot who hopes to clothe his rise
to power in the garb of philosophical enlightenment.  You will write a
book entitled "My Struggle: The Legend Continues", start up your own
little compound like Aaron Burr, and be eventually destroyed by the
Pentaverate and their fascist forces of doom that really control the

For those of you who are sick of this topic, feel free to start another
interesting discussion, and I will readily agree to drop this one.  I
merely seek intelligent, or in this instance psuedo-intelligent, repartee.


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